Data analytics bootcamp: The complete guide

In today’s tech-driven society, data touches almost every aspect of our lives

Data analytics bootcamps offer short, knowledge-intensive programs to teach students professional skills. The curriculum, layout and duration of each bootcamp will vary based on the course in which you are enrolled. Some bootcamps may focus on the basics of working with big data, while others dive deep into specific subjects—such as visualization and statistics. You should attend an online bootcamp that aligns with your interests and career goals.

Data Analytics vs. Data Science Bootcamps

While many people use the two terms interchangeably, data analytics and data science have unique qualities, with the main difference being their scope. Bootcamps focused on these two disciplines have substantially different subject matter. 

Data Analytics Bootcamps

Data analytics focuses on processing and implementing statistical analysis with ongoing sets of data. Bootcamps in this area study the creation of methods to capture, manipulate and sort data to uncover insights for problems. They also establish ways to present this data to businesses. Above all, data analytics is based on generating results that can lead to immediate solutions.

Data Science Bootcamps

Data science is a cross-cutting field focused on digging up insights from big sets of raw data. Bootcamps on data science and workers in the field often focus on finding answers to the things that may not be known already, compared to analytics, which is seeking specific insights. Data science experts use a number of techniques to get these answers, from incorporating computer science and predictive analytics to machine learning. A data scientist’s primary objective is to ask questions and identify potential avenues for additional research. There is less concern for specific resolutions and more on finding the right questions to ask. 

How To Choose The Best Online Data Analytics Bootcamps

Trying to find an online bootcamp that fits your needs can be overwhelming. Although there is no perfect formula for choosing the right program, you can take a few steps to make things easier.

Step 1: Rank and Identify Your Priorities

By outlining your priorities and evaluating each program, you can figure out which one works for you. Take some time to weigh the pros and cons of all your ranked choices. It’s important to carefully consider your needs and goals when thinking about where you’ll spend the next few weeks or more. 

Step 2: Develop a Shortlist of Your Top Choices

Creating a robust shortlist is a key step to narrowing your options. Compare class sizes, program highlights, costs and selectivity.

Step 3: Investigate Career Outcomes 

One reason to attend an online bootcamp is to set yourself up for a job. Students should check to see if mentorships, interview coaching, and resume workshops are offered outside the classroom to ensure the bootcamp provides the help you need.